Friday, 2 September 2016

literacy, Term 3, week 6,

This is my explore I used a google drawing I am proud of how hard I worked.  You had to do 5 reasons why people explore as a group. Next time I will work on putting more info on it.

Success Criteria
What makes a fantastic Explanation?

I can…..
Begin with an introduction of the topic

Life Cycle of a Frog

Write a series of paragraphs that explain
Tadpole hatches out of the egg.After a few days External gills apar.
Sort of

Write a concluding paragraph
Now the tiny egg is now a full grown frog!!

Write in paragraphs
Fertilised egg,  eley tadpole tadpole with gills and fins, tadpole with hind limbs, froglet, froglet with regular tall, Adult frog.                                                       

Use a variety of sentence openers

Use technical language
Wind rainfall.
Separate develop

Words that show cause and effect
A layer of jelly provides protection to the eggs.   

Use present tense correctly
Then the eggs...

Correctly use a variety of punctuation

Write grammatically correct sentences

Use correct spelling

Next Steps:

This is my success criteria you had to watch a video of a life cycle of a frog and say what you lent. I used a google dock. I am proud of it because I put a lot of  into in it. next time I will work on getting the spelling correct.  

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