Friday 31 May 2019

hanmer Explanation Scaffold

This is my camp Explanation scaffold. You had to explain and look up facts about hot pools and how they are made. It was pretty fun to do and did not take long.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

camp Vocabulary

WALT: Understand and explain scientific language related to Thermal Pools.

Friday 17 May 2019

book character day

Last week was book character. I came as a bum from the day my bum went psycho it was pretty fun because well... I was a bum:)  Me and my mum made it out of paper paper mache it took about a week to do.

                                                                        This is me.

Friday 10 May 2019

Thomas Brunner

This is my Thomas Brunner slide. You had to research facts about him like major accomplishments impact on the west coast early life and family. It was quite interesting to do this I learnt a lot. It took a while to do it but it was worth it.    

goal setting

This week we had to do some goal settings. You had to chose  some goals for reading writing and maths. My goal that I want to complete the most is my maths goal (know all my basic facts) My key competency goal is to listen to others and build on there ideas.