Thursday, 13 April 2017

end of Term reflections, 2017, Term 1,

This Term my favorite bit is when I got my Restricted license I was so happy to get a Restricted you can go out in the landing with a person with a full license or by yourself.    
This is my favorite piece of work  my missing poster, this is my favorite piece of work this term because I put all my effort into it.

My next Term goal is learn most of my times tables my spelling and get a full license. This Term was really fun but I hope next Term will be fun to.  

Friday, 7 April 2017

2017, numeracy, week 10,

This is my Maths for this week. You had to watch this video on you tube about place value and write down What you know about place value. I have used a google doc to do my work. I am proud for this because I worked hard on it. Next time I will work on making it more interesting.

This is my maths for this week. You had to make up 5 adding questions and ask them to a buddy. I have used a google doc to do my work. I am proud of this because I did it quickly. Next time I will have harder  questions .   

2017, literacy, week 10,

This is my literacy for this week. You had to read a book and find 5 interesting words and make them into sentences. I have used a google doc to do my work. I am proud of this because I did a really good job. Next time I will work on having more info.

This is my writing for this week. You were given a group of questions from a book and answer them. I have used a google doc to do my work. I am proud of this because I have used a lot of info. next time I will work on making it more exciting.